Prior to the receiving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai on the 6th of Sivan - which includes the emphasis of fulfilling the Mitzvot of the Torah - the world existed without the Torah for a total of 26 generations (from Adam to Moshe).
The question is: if the Torah is our life and sustenance (as we say every day in the morning Sh'ma blessing), how is it that the world could have even existed without the Torah? And yet, the Torah was already in existence before the Creation, and Hashem even used it as His blueprint for Creation. So where was the Torah during this time period before the receiving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai?
The Torah was there but in a very hidden format. The culmination of the entire Torah are the 10 Commandments which were hidden within the 10 Utterances (listed in the depiction of the Creation in Bereishit), which are the makeup of the entire Creation. Since the Torah is life itself, and without it there is no life at all, the Torah then was sustaining in a hidden way all of mankind - gratis. Without earning it, the entire world was sustained through Hashem's endless kindness found within the Hidden Torah.
The same is true today. After having already received the Torah, those who have no affiliation whatsoever with the Torah and it's observance - i.e. the gentiles, the wicked, the simpletons - receive gratis their life source and sustenance from this Hidden Torah. Even the Torah scholar himself, when detached from the Torah and involved in his mundane, physical necessities, must also receive from this Hidden Torah too.
But the question is: if everyone anyways receives life and vitality from the Hidden Torah, then why spend time learning the "Revealed" Torah - with all of it's mitzvah components - given at Mt. Sinai?
Or better yet, if even the "wicked" also receive vitally from the Hidden Torah, why even work hard at becoming a Tzaddik and a good person?
The truth is, that access today to this unearned kindness of life-force and sustenance of the Hidden Torah is only accessible to the Tzaddikim of the greatest caliber. And these tzaddikim, out of their own good will, give over the bounties of the Hidden Torah to the entire world, even if undeserving. Thus, in truth, a wicked person has no merit to receive life from the Hidden Torah (i.e. he may be undeserving, but he is also damaging). It is just that the Tzaddik has the power and ability to give all levels of undeserving people from this life force.
Because the nature of the Hidden Torah is for the undeserving - i.e. gratis - these Tzaddikim must purposely lower themselves into being a "simple person" for the Hidden Torah to kick-in.
However, there are levels of "how much" an unaffiliated and simple person can receive this vitality and life of the Hidden Torah through the Tzaddik. This is determined by how much a person is close to the Torah and the Tzaddikim. By learning the Revealed Torah along with coming close to the Tzaddikim, this enables a person to receive much more vitality from the Hidden Torah when necessary.
More than this, the concept of hope no matter how dark and severe the situation, comes from this Hidden Torah too.
For more explanation and development of these ideas and concepts, please listen to:
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With this, we can understand the rabbinical teaching that Hashem left room for Moshe to decide that the giving of the Torah should take place on the 6th of Sivan and not on the 5th.
The difference between the 5th and 6th day is in perspective of what day of the Omer-counting it is. The 5th of Sivan is the 49th day of the Omer counting. The number 49 is a multiple of 7. 7 corresponds to the culmination of all Torah study. 6 corresponds to the 6 sections of the Mishnah, which, when developed, includes the entire corpus of the Written and Oral Torahs. 7 - like Shabbat - corresponds to the esoteric and mystical part of the Torah - Zohar and Kabbalah. 50, however, corresponds to a level of Torah from a totally different ballgame - the Hidden Torah.
Hashem left it up to Moshe to decide to give the Torah on the 50th day - the 6th of Sivan. This is because Hashem intentionally made it that only Moshe could tap into the Hidden Torah and activate it to sustain all of the undeserving factions of humanity. Only the Tzaddik, when being a totally simple person, can receive this life sustenance from the Hidden Torah.
Thus, Shavuot, is both the receiving of the Revealed Torah from Hashem and the Hidden Torah through Moshe (and all subsequent Tzaddikim who are at the caliber of Moshe).
May we come ever closer to the Torah and to the Tzaddikim, and thus receive more and more undeserved vitality and gratis life from the Hidden Torah.
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Sincerely and with blessings for a powerful and uplifting Shavuot experience
Meir Elkabas
Sincerely and with blessings for a powerful and uplifting Shavuot experience
Meir Elkabas
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