Grave of Rebbe Nachman - circa 1920 (man at entrance - Reb Alter Tepliker הי"ד)

Thursday, March 9, 2017


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The Zohar teaches that the Garden of Eden basically refers to 2 elements:
  1. Eden being that which is beyond this world, something which is above the laws of nature - Prayer.
  2. Garden being that substance which is irrigated by Eden/Prayer - the Torah (the Written Torah is broken down into 53 sections read throughout the year - 53 being the numerical value of Garden in Hebrew - GaN).
Now the vegetation that grows in this Garden of Torah are the Jewish souls which flourish and develop specifically through the Torah - i.e. Torah Study. But, the ability of the Torah to do so comes from Prayer.

So, depending on how much a person connects to Prayer, so too will he be helped by Hashem through his prayers, but the answers will specifically come about through Torah Study.


Specifically, Torah study refers to the clear clarification of Torah Law. Since in the transition of Torah Law the procedure follows the pattern of what are called "Halakhic disputes" - i.e. one opinion [in the Mishnah, Talmud and later Halakhic codifiers] permits while the other forbids - until the finalized law is clarified. This final Torah/Halakhic clarification is meant to also clarify the good from the bad inside a person, and specifically through this does the answer to ones Prayers come out from potential to actual.

(This is the case since Hashem is always sending down bounty and blessings to a person and mankind. It is just that the admixture of good and evil within a person causes the bounty to go elsewhere. By sifting and separating the good from the bad, the bounty automatically comes back to its rightful destination.)


This format of Torah Law needing to be sifted and clarified is due to the blemish caused by Adam and Eve's eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad. Since then, everything in the world has this admixture - everything. Thus, this format also enables the Bad of the Tree of Knowledge to be found in the Torah too. For this reason it must be sifted out through the clarification of Torah Law.


However, since until fully clarified, the Torah learned still contains the admixture of bad within it, this gives room for false leadership and power to rise, all the while receiving it from the Torah itself. These false leaders not only attract the masses to follow them, but they use their power to get the masses who follow them to bring down the true Torah followers too.

So, just like the Garden of Torah gives development and flourishing to those Jewish souls sincerely learning the Torah, so too the false leaders and powers use the evil found in the unsifted Torah to nourish their followers through the evil attributes, attitudes and perspectives that they inculcate them with.


To battle these false leaders and their masses, an outstanding Tzaddik and Rav is needed in order to enter their "pipelines" and break the connection.

However this Tzaddik must be "above" the admixture of Good and Bad found in the Torah. He must be so firmly rooted in Eden/Prayer which irrigates the Garden/Torah, that the Bad has no effect on him whatsoever. Only such a complete tzaddik can fearlessly enter the pipelines/channels connecting the masses to their evil leaders and break the connection, thus allowing for the sincere disciples of the Torah to properly develop and flourish in becoming Tzaddikim in their own right.

(for more on this subject, please see: LIKUTEY MOHARAN LESSON 8 and listen to: THESE AUDIO CLASSES)



The Talmud teaches that Haman is rooted in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad. "HaMin HaEtz... Hashem asked Adam, "could it be that from the tree [of Knowledge of Good and Bad] that I told you not to eat of... HaMin being etymologically similar to Haman. This clearly shows Haman being rooted in the evil admixture found in the non-clarified Torah law [which parallels the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad].

At the close of the 70 year exile after the destruction of the First Temple, Haman saw and felt that it was an opportune time to wipe out the Jews, along with their connection to the Torah. The 70 years of exile corresponded to the "70 holy perspectives that the Torah is properly expounded on". Seeing that the Jews were still not redeemed he figured that the Jews had lost their ability to properly receive life and vitality from the Torah, and he thus seeked to transfer the bounty to himself and the realm of evil.


Achashverosh accepted the advice and suggestions of Haman, showing that in a sense Achashverosh (which translates as the brother/subservient to the head/Rosh) represented the masses following the advice of the false leader - a.k.a. Haman.

Using Achashverosh's power, Haman devised the ploy that led to Vashtiy's death in order to allow for the capturing of Esther into the realm of evil.


Esther - meaning "concealment" - because of her personal righteousness and pedigree (being descended from King Shaul), represented the spiritual essence and status of the Jewish people at the time. Her being taken captive by the evil side - Achashverosh - was meant to swallow up and conceal the inner ability of the Jewish Nation's ability to learn the Torah properly, thus preventing life, bounty and sustenance from the realm of Prayer/Eden. With this, Haman prepared for his next plan to destroy the Jews altogether. But first, he had to take care of Mordekhai.


Mordekhai, being from the Sages who sat in the High-Court of the Sanhedrin located in the Holy Temple before it's destruction, was the last connection of the Jews to clarifying the laws of the Torah. Haman figured that Mordekhai did not have the ability to enlighten the Jews with clarity in Torah Law (seeing that 70 years passed and the Jews were still not redeemed). But, Mordekhai had no fear of Haman (whenever Haman passed Mordekhai, not only did Mordekhai not bow or bend to Haman, but he would even stick out his shoe showing the contract inscribed on the sole which stated Haman's being sold as a servant-for-life to Mordekhai).

The fact that Mordekhai didn't bend to Haman, got Haman worried, and he wanted to get Mordekhai out of the picture.


What Haman did not know and realize is that the decree to annihilate the Jews only brought out Mordekhai the Tzaddik's power from potential to actual. The decree, coupled with Esther's captivity, pushed Mordekhai forward using full-force his power of prayer and to get the Jewish people to pray and fast too.

With prayer activated so much this led to the re-irrigation of the Garden of the Torah through the Eden source of Prayer. 

With this connection re-established, Mordekhai used Esther's captivity in the realm of Achashverosh as the means to enter the pipeline of evil connecting Haman to Achashverosh. With Mordekhai's advice and merit, Esther - with the spirit of the Torah - faced both Haman and Achashverosh, successfully breaking their connection (as outlined in the Megillah story). This also led to the destruction of all those who followed and were connected to Haman's pipeline of evil.

With Haman's pipeline to Achashverosh and the masses destroyed, the rightful honor and glory returned to the Jewish people, leading eventually to the return to the Holy Land and the rebuilding of the Holy Temple.

But before this, the Megillah stresses the great power and honor bestowed upon Mordekhai. This shows that the credit rightfully rests with Mordekhai, who represents the true and complete Tzaddikim found in every generation, who push and encourage the Jews not to give up and to keep on praying for the doors to open. Indeed this is the key for Jewish survival until the final redemption comes, to follow and find the advice and guidance of the true Tzaddikim.

(taken and adapted from Likutey Halakhot, Choshen Mishpat, HaOseh Shaliach LiGvot Chovo #3)

May we merit on Purim to receive the light of Mordekhai and Esther - the light of Prayer and Clear Torah Study, until we merit that all bounty, blessing, life and vitality come back to us - to the right address, Amen.


Meir Elkabas


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Thank you and Tizku LeMitzvot.

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