Friday, December 7, 2018




Everyone in life at some time or another is faced with stressful situations due to strife and shame.

In fact, the main goal and test of life is properly dealing with these situations, since their outcome has major ramifications on the rest of life.

To break it down, there is conflict generated by evildoers and also conflict generated by Tzaddikim. In both cases, taking revenge is not the solution.

To explain, if a person says "just like he does to me, I will do to him too", this only speeds up and allows the enemy to realize his goal of bringing this person to his downfall. 

Rather, by being good to ones enemies and judging them favorably, this only throws more barriers in the enemies way, bringing him quickly to his downfall, falling into the pit that he has dug-up for others.

And if the strife and opposition comes from righteous and good individuals, then one definitely should not fight back with "fire for fire", since their true intent is only to elevate and help a person, and to mitigating any harsh judgements about to befall that person.

In order to properly help a person, these Tzaddikim must enclothe and cover up their assistance in the format of strife and embarrassment This is done for two main reasons:
  1. that the benefits given by these Tzaddikim to the recipient should be unhindered by prosecution from on High.
  2. since all evil is classified as strife and conflict, it has its roots in what's called "strife of holiness". This is reflected to in the differing opinions and arguments between the Torah sages from the Mishnah, Talmud, Codifiers etc.. These arguments are the spiritual and holy root of all other conflict and strife devolved down to this world from them. And in order to mitigate and remove any forms of strife and conflict from a person at their source, the Tzaddikim must use their means of "strife of holiness" to do so. Thus they purposely oppose a person in order to help him.
However, this in itself is a test - to believe that the strife and conflict from the Tzaddikim is only a "set-up" and not to be taken for face value as being, Heaven forbid, a real and hateful conflict against a person.

A person is tested to patiently accept and endure the darkness, shame, embarrassment and opposition from the side of holiness, believing that it will definitely turn out to their benefit.

And if a person is capable of passing this test, he can then also properly deal with the opposition and shame of the real and hateful enemies too.

(for more on these concepts please listen to: 


On Chanukah we celebrate in the darkness. We light candles at the beginning of the night as if to say we value this embarrassment and shame of still being in the darkness when we really want to be in the light.

This is especially felt by those individuals who really want to come closer and serve Hashem with sincere devotion. They are filled with setbacks and disappointments in their spiritual journey, as if Hashem, the Torah and the Tzaddikim are opposing a person from getting closer. This is really painful.

But it is simply a springboard preparation for something much greater waiting to benefit this person, but he must just pass this test of endurance, enlightening his darkness with hope - that the darkness is not a real darkness, it is just a setup. 

Thus, even though the Chashmonaim were victorious over the Greek enemies, it was only temporary since the enemies still fought back and the Second Temple was eventually destroyed too.

However, the light of the Chanukah miracle is to accept and recognize that even though a person may still be in the darkness, with opposition and shame from all sides, still it is only a ploy and setup to make a person feel alone and abandoned in the darkness, when really this darkness is a stepping stone for the next level and ascent in the spiritual ladders.

(for more insights into this please listen to: 


May we merit this Chanukah to pass the test and shine the light of hope and the tzaddikim into our personal darkness and shame, until we eventually leave all together the darkness of life, coming to true clarity and peace in the Torah and especially within ourselves, Amen.

As it is a recognized custom and mitzvah to give out more charity on Chanukah, to send help and support to needy families in Jerusalem, please follow this paypal link:

With blessings for an uplifting and enlightening Chanukah experience.
Meir Elkabas

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