The Zohar teaches that Haman - being the incarnate representation of evil in his time - gathered all available levels of impurity power to subdue and destroy Mordekhai and the Jewish Nation. They were culminated and reflected in his ten sons, who represented the 10 levels of impurity which correlate and mirror the 10 levels of holiness/sefirot etc.
Rabbi Mordekhai Moshe Sasson - a kabbalist from the early 19th century, in his book "Dvar Be'Ito, explains that in the names of the 10 sons of Haman are hinted to the attributes that they wanted to attack and destroy first from the Jewish Nation before their total destruction:
- Parshandata - to separate (מפריש) the Jews from the Torah religion (דת)
- Dalfon - to open the Jews to a doorway (דלת) to evil directions in life (פניות)
- Aspata - to immerse the Jews in a lust to gather in (לאסוף) money
- Porata - to immerse the Jews with illicit sexual desire and relations (בית-התורף)
- Adalya - to elevate (דלה) the Jews with haughtiness and ulterior motives
- Aridata - to distract the Jew's prayers with fears and phobias like a lion (אריה) would
- Parmashta - - to undo (פורם) the stitches (שתי) connecting all Jews together
- Arisay - to infuse the Jews with the venomous poison (ארס) of the [primordial] snake
- Ariday - to subjugate and limit (רודה) the Jews
- Vayzata - to embitter the Jews wish harsh judgments - like the bitterness of an olive (זית)
- Halleluy-ah (Praise) - corresponding to the Sefirah of Tiferet, it represents the "praise" of the splendor and beauty of Torah study and observance. This was the target of Parshandata (see above).
- Mizmor (Hym resulting from a courageous feeling) - corresponding to the Sefirah of Gevurah, it represents the song of strength resulting from the ability to create necessary boundaries and restrictions (to "cut-off" - לזמר - evil influences) so that one can properly attune to the frequency of Hashem. This was the target of Dalfon.
- Hoda'ah (Thanksgiving) - corresponding to the Sefirah of Hod, it represents the ability to "thank" Hashem for every tiny detail - especially that of financial sustenance - with much appreciation. This was the target of Aspata.
- Tefillah (Prayer) - corresponding to the Sefirah of Malkhut, it represents "prayer" that is a result of total mastery and control over one's sexual lusts. For commensurate to how much a person sanctifies himself in this area is he able to experience the bliss of true connection in prayer. This was the target of Porata.
- Niggun (Melody) - corresponding to the Sefirah of Chesed, it represents the expression of singing "melodies" to Hashem due to the humility a person feels when experiencing the unearned kindness of Hashem. This was the target of Adalya.
- Nitzuach (a song of Victory) - corresponding to the Sefirah of Netzach, it represents "victoriously" succeeding in overcoming the distracting thoughts while davening, thus praying with a clear head. This was the target of Aridata.
- Shir (Song) - corresponding to the Sefirah of Chokhmah, it represents the culminated "song" generated by many Jews attached together, despite their diverse differences. For it requires great wisdom (Chokhmah) to unify so much diversity. This was targeted by Parmashta.
- Maskil (song of Instruction through choice) - corresponding to the Sefirah of Yesod, it represents a song resulting from making the right and proper choices and decisions in life, thus being saved from the poison of failure and futility. This was targeted by Arisay.
- Berakhah (Blessing) - corresponding to the Sefirah of Binah, it is the reflection of blessings one give to Hashem over the blessed life and freedom that in endowed to a person to willfully serve Hashem. This was targeted by Ariday.
- Ashrei (Fortunate) - corresponding to the highest Sefirah of Keter, it is the reflection of song due to feeling the good fortune of Hashem's benevolence and being spared from harsh judgment and decrees. This was targeted by Vayzata.
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