The Holy Zohar in this week's Parshah (Acharey-Mot) brings in more details to the devotion of the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kippur while entering the Holy of Holies:
As the Kohen Gadol entered, the raised wings of the 2 Cherubim would produce all types of melody - this being the indicator to the presence of the Divine Presence.
For this reason the Kohen Gadol would keep his eyes closed so as not to gaze at all at the Divine Presence.
He would then commence the service by placing the incense on the coals.
The smoke/cloud produced would then allow him to open his eyes, and at which point the Cherubim would lower their wings in silence.
They would remain silent until the Kohen Gadol finished all of the necessary devotions (sprinkling the blood etc.) in the Holy of Holies.
And if Hashem accepted the Kohen Gadol's prayers and devotions to affect atonement for the Jewish Nation, the Cherubim would then raise again their wings and produce all types of melodies.
Thus the Kohen Gadol would know through the melodies of the Cherubim's wings that his prayers and devotions on Yom Kippur were accepted to activate rectification and atonement for the Jewish Nation.
Rebbe Nachman teaches that by activating the 10 Types of Song - which are used in the composing of the book of Tehillim - one can bring upon atonement and rectification for the worst of sins and blemishes.
This is because holy song and melody is the gateway to connection to Hashem at the highest of levels, as is indicated in the above passage from the Zohar (that the melodies indicated the Divine Presence).
For the reason why a person falls to sin and blemish in the first place is because of feeling "disconnected".
He feels all alone and there being no purpose and meaning in his devotion to Hashem.
If he were given a glimpse of how much Hashem loves him, he would throw everything aside and run back to Hashem.
This is what holy melody does - it re-bridges and realigns a person to the Divine, to meaning and purpose in life.
And this is the secret of the book of Psalms.
The words of each Psalm contain embedded within them a holy melody (something like Morse-code) made up of 10 Types of different songs and expressions.
Thus the indicator of atonement on Yom Kippur was melody (produced by the wings of the Cherubim).
For as mentioned above melody is the key to realignment and reconnection to the Divine.
May we merit to be numbered amongst those who are meticulous in the reciting of Psalms, thus activating the 10 Types of Song which lead to rectification and atonement for all of our sins, this leading the way for the arrival of Mashiach and the ingathering of all Jews back to the Holy Land and Holy Temple, Amen.
(for more on this topic please listen to: rectifying-the-evil-ra)
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Shabbat Shalom
Meir Elkabas
WhatsApp: +1-732-800-1863
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