The goal of Creation is to elevate all of the holy sparks trapped in the realm of evil and scattered throughout the Creation.
These sparks remain trapped due to mankind's continued misdeeds and blemishes, which in turn are a result of sadness and depression.
Thus, performing mitzvot with joy is the key and antidote for elevating and releasing these holy sparks.
These holy sparks then infuse the joyous mitzvot bringing with them the potential to arouse all of the Creation back to reconnect to Hashem, so that everyone - including the gentiles - will recognize and accept His sovereignty and the chosen specialty of the Jewish nation.
These two stages are called in Kabbalistic terms as elevating the sparks from the evil domain and then bringing them to the level of the legs (since they "go" and arouse everyone back to Hashem).
After this the joyous mitzvot are able to draw down blessing and bounty.
However, one should strive for the bounty of holy intellect - the knowledge of Hashem.
And when coupled with faith (since a person cannot rely on intellect alone) a person is ready to perceive the highest level possible - the Infinite light of Hashem.
In Kabbalistic terms these three stages are called elevating the holy sparks to the level of the hands (the "receivers" of blessing) and then to the mind (the bounty of "intellect"), and when coupled with faith to reach the Keter/crown (Hashem's sovereignty everywhere - the Infinite light).
But since this experience is above human capacity, a person is bounced back to start the process again.
However, this time with enhanced joy and perception of Hashem's greatness and presence.
And this process continues until all of the remaining sparks have been released and elevated.
Yaakov saw it his mission to elevate all of the holy sparks through the joyous performance of mitzvot.
He infused this task in his children:
Reuven, the first son of Leah, was called so in order to see the difference between him and Eisav (see Rashi). In this sense he represents the successful separation of holiness from evil.
Shimon, the second son of Leah, represents the arousal of Creation back to Hashem, getting everything to "hear" (Shmiya) the fame of Hashem.
Levi, the third son of Leah, represents the Priestly Blessings of the Cohanim (his descendants) who would bestow the blessings with their hands.
Yehuda, the fourth son of Leah, is the thanksgiving of finally reaching the blessings of the intellect - the gateway to the Infinite Light
However, as the bounce back is necessary, the cycle restarts on a deeper level - this time with the maidservants:
Dan, the first son of Bilhah, represents the judgements ("dinim") mitigated by releasing and elevating the holy sparks from the realm of evil.
Naftali, the second son of Bilhah, represents the "running" of the joyous mitzvot and holy sparks therein (Naftali was compared to a "swift" hind).
Gad, the first son of Zilpah, refers to the blessings of the hands (Gad were "stronghanded" warriors).
Asher, the second son of Zilpah, connotes the joy and good fortune ("Ashrei") of drawing down the blessings of intellect.
At this point, four specific elements are designated for rekindling and activating the joy of mitzvot at any time and situation:
Issachar, the fifth son of Leah, represents the study of Torah (Issachar were scholars) as a means to bring forth the joy of mitzvot.
Zevulun, the sixth son of Leah, represents the wealth and charity given towards spreading the Torah teachings of the tzaddikim, bringing out the joy of mitzvot.
Yosef, the first son of Rachel, represents the true tzaddikim who struggle to enflame the Jewish nation with the joy of mitzvot.
Binyamin, the second son of Rachel and the only tribe born in the Holy Land, represents the power of the Holy Land to constantly infuse people with the necessary joy to perform mitzvot no matter how low they have fallen.
(See Likutey Halakhot, Orach Chaim, Hoda'ah #6 for a fuller development of these ideas).
May we merit to always draw upon us the light of all the twelve tribes, amen.
Shabbat Shalom
Meir Elkabas
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