Hashem embedded every Jew with the will and desire to pursue the Infinite Light of Hashem.
This is reflected in our effort to complete and maximize our connection to Hashem through Torah study, prayer and Mitzvot performance.
However, since Hashem's Infinite Light is by definition "unattainable" a person would simply disappear and disintegrate were he to constantly pursue and advance towards the Infinite Light.
Therefore, Hashem created a type of "breaker" which prevents a person from drawing too close, giving him a bounce back. This bounce is reflected in all of the obstacles and challenges that a person faces in his quest for holiness and drawing close to the Infinite Light of Hashem.
However, this bounce is really a blessing in disguise, for it provides a person with the formation of vessels to receive within them the Infinite Light in a "finite" balance.
This bounce forms "9 Chambers" which come about through the 3 mentalities (Chokhmah, Binah and Da'at) - which are means through which we perceive Hashem's Infinite Light - mixing up together thus producing the number 9 (i.e. 3x3=9).
Thus it is specifically the obstacles and "bounces" that we endure in our pursuit of coming close to Hashem which actually enable us to experience Hashem's Infinite Light at the maximum of levels.
The Holy of Holies was the unique place where the Infinite Light of Hashem was able to shine and radiate.
The only day of the year when the Cohen Gadol - High Priest - would be allowed to enter there was on Yom Kippur, but only after the Jewish nation observed and repented during the preceding 9 days of Teshuva. Only then on the 10th day of Teshuvah - Yom Kippur - the Kohen Gadol would be allowed to enter.
For these 9 preceding days were formed by the Jewish Nation's acceptance and recognition of their limitations and deficiencies due to the bounces of life. Thus, they correspond to the 9 Chambers of the intellect collectively, which enable the Kohen Gadol - representing the entire Jewish nation, to enter the Holy of Holies and perceive the Infinite Light in a proper format and balance.
For this reason also the Tabernacle-Mishkan had the 50 golden hooks of the overcovering drapes join together specifically over the Parochet which divided between the Holy of Holies and the rest of the Mishkan.
The number 50 connotes the 50 gates of teshuvah and understanding which are gateways and levels in finally connecting to the Infinite Light. The hooks represent how a person must do his maximum in connecting to the hidden Infinite Light even when bounced back in life, thus not forgetting about the Infinite Light and connecting to it. For a person needs many, many mitzvot to constantly remind him about this connection and pursuit.
And these hooks were specifically over the Parochet separation, since we draw the light from the Holy of Holies to the outer section of the Mishkan (and eventually to the entire world) through the overcovering drapes, then the hooks, and then eventually to the remaining and external drapes above the rest of the Mishkan.
May we use the mitzvot we perform to constantly remind us and "hook" us to the impression left of the Infinite LIght experience, until we merit reconnecting totally before the coming of Mashiach, amen.
Shabbat Shalom
Meir Elkabas
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