Grave of Rebbe Nachman - circa 1920 (man at entrance - Reb Alter Tepliker הי"ד)

Monday, December 18, 2023

Likutey Halakhot, Orach Chaim, Hoda'ah #6 024-6 - Connecting to the Keter Even in Sleep Mode


If you have been inspired by this class/lecture please share it onto your status. Thank you. Based on Likutey Moharan lesson 24 Reb Noson goes further into the opening verses of Parshat VaYetze which describes Yaakov's sleeping in "that place" referring to the Keter - which is the place of this world; and how that even though Yaakov feel asleep, he nonetheless connected his thoughts so strongly to the letters of the Torah so as to avoid falling into evil thoughts etc. Follow us: Spotify: Soundcloud: FB: To donate or sponsor a class: #breslov #breslovtherapy #rebbenachman

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