Grave of Rebbe Nachman - circa 1920 (man at entrance - Reb Alter Tepliker הי"ד)

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Reuven's Impatience - Parshat VaYechi


If you have been inspired by this class/lecture please share it onto your status. Thank you. Based on Likutey Moharan lesson 24 Reuven initially was to inherit the birthright, the priestly blessings and kingship, but lost everything due to his impatience - on a deeper level he thought that there was no more need to work on elevating holy sparks from the domain of evil - the process of elevating the Malkhut from the kelipot/the birthright, the blessings of the hand, and the bold joy of the Keter/the Kingship etc. Follow us: Spotify: Soundcloud: FB: To donate or sponsor a class: #breslov #breslovtherapy #rebbenachman

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