Grave of Rebbe Nachman - circa 1920 (man at entrance - Reb Alter Tepliker הי"ד)

Wednesday, September 30, 2020



The Tikkuney Zohar teaches that the 4 letters of Hashem's ineffable name (Y-H-V-H) can be expanded in the following manner - single, doubled, tripled and quadrupled (i.e. Y+YH+YHV+YHVH), adding to a total of 72 (i.e. 10+15+21+26=72).

72 equals the word Chesed - Kindness. This refers to the future song of redemption that will be played on a musical instrument with 72 strings. And this is hinted to in the verse: Olam Chesed YiBaneh - "the world will be rebuilt through Chesed" - i.e. the  melody played on 72 strings.

Furthermore, the Zohar teaches that when you add the total of letters expanded from Hashem's ineffable Name (as above) you have a total of 10 letters. This, the Zohar teaches, refers to the 10 types of song rooted in these letters of Hashem's Name. 

(The 10 types of song used in composing the book of Tehillim are: 
  1. Ashrei
  2. Brakhah
  3. Maskil
  4. Shir
  5. Nitzuach
  6. Niggun
  7. Tefilah 
  8. Hoda'ah
  9. Mizmor
  10. Halleluyah
See Likutey Moharan lessons 205 and part II 92 for more details; see also Likutey Halakhot, Even HaEzer, Ishut #3).

After receiving atonement on Yom Kippur - the 10th day of the 10 Days of Repentance, we have 4 days to prepare for the festival of Sukkot [from the 11th to the 14th of Tishrei]. Each day of the 10 Days of Repentance is meant to shine into us one of the 10 types of song rooted in Hashem's name [when expanded as above]. We are then given 4 days preparation to realign the 10 types of song in the ineffable name of Hashem in the single, doubled, tripled and quadrupled format before Sukkot.

These 4 days are the preferred time to acquire the 4 species used on Sukkot - the Lulav, Aravot, Hadassim and Etrog, since they also correspond to Hashem's ineffable Name in the expanded format mentioned above. 

The corresponding format is as follows:
  1. 1 Lulav/Palm branch
  2. 2 Aravot/willow branches
  3. 3 Haddasim/myrtle branches
  4. 1 Etrog (as the Etrog corresponds to the last letter of Hashem's Name - H, it contains within it the energy and light of the first 3 letters. See Likutey Halakhot, Ishut #3 for more development on this matter)
Thus, we wave these 4 species in all directions on Sukkot. We do this in order to spread and radiate the 10 types of Song included in the 4 letters of Hashem's ineffable Name represented in these 4 specific species. By doing this we spread in the airwaves of the world a foretaste of the future redemption song of Chesed played on the 72 stringed instrument, which is the key instrument in bringing back the entire world back to the belief and worship of Hashem.

(This year as the first day of Sukkot falls on Shabbat, Reb Noson teaches that the rectifications of the 4 species are activated through eating the 3 Meals of Shabbat - totally amazing!!!)

May we merit this Sukkot to see this and other tikkunim/rectifications done completely, thus hastening the arrival of Mashiach speedily in our days, Amen.

(for more on these concepts please listen to: LIKUTEY MOHARAN LESSON 205 AND II LESSON 92)


As it is a mitzvah to send support and charity to worthy Torah scholars and families on the eve of Sukkot, to send your support to such needy families in Jerusalem, please send your support through Paypal using this email address: or through this link: SUKKOT SUPPORT TO NEEDY FAMILIES IN JERUSALEM

Chag Sameach and may you be blessed.

Meir Elkabas
@: +1-732-800-1863

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