Grave of Rebbe Nachman - circa 1920 (man at entrance - Reb Alter Tepliker הי"ד)

Friday, November 5, 2021



Rebbe Nachman teaches that a person has within his reach to bring down blessings through the hands. For since the hands are the main means of man's interaction with the world (e.g. you do things with your hands etc.), they also serve as the conduit for channeling energy into the world. For this reason, a person should make the proper and wise decision of channeling the blessing and bounty of true intelligence into the world, which entails the promoting and spreading of the knowledge of Hashem's presence and goodness.

However, in order to do so, a person first needs to elevate any trace of holiness that has been trapped and concealed within the realm of evil and impurity. This domain is known as the chamber of exchanges, since evil tries to steal all the bounty of holiness by switching and covering up what is genuinely good as being bad.

But by doing Mitzvot with joy, a person actually frees the trapped holiness from the grip of evil from these exchanged chambers (Mitzvah also translates as "to connect" - i.e. connecting the holiness trapped back upwards to their source in Hashem). Elevating this holiness from the lower levels eventually adds strength and becomes the means for the hands to be a conduit of bounty into the world.

And then when a person chooses wisely to draw the blessing and bounty of Godly wisdom into the world [as opposed to exclusive physical bounty and blessing], he is then ready to receive the opportunity of perceiving the Infinite Light of Hashem, something which is seemingly impossible for a finite human existence. However, through a person's good will to come closer to Hashem by perceiving Him ever closer, Hashem "pushes" him back so that a person can build a suitable vessel to receive the Infinite Light in a format that won't totally nullify that person [since Hashem ultimately wants mankind to continue serving Him and not reach a stage of total self-nullification].  

(see Likutey Moharan lesson 24 for more details)


When Esav despised and ridiculed the birthright, he basically showed his mock and disdain towards the service of Hashem [which was eventually represented in the Divine Service of the first-born before the sin of the Golden Calf took place]. With this Esav showed that he did not want to choose the blessing of intellect - the bounty involved in revealing Hashem and His goodness into the world. Rather he wanted to delight and reside in a life of sole physical lust and pleasure, with no connection to Hashem whatsoever.

His cunning and resolve to fool his father Yitzchak into believing that he was truly an extreme saint, was meant as a means to get Yitzchak to channel his blessings to Esav, who eventually would use these blessings to draw down the exclusive bounty of worldly pursuits and desires.

For this reason,Yitzchak required Esav to prepare with his "hands" a properly prepared and cooked animal, so that the blessings could fall upon Esav's hands.

However, Rivkah, who saw the true intent of Esav, got Yaakov to fool YItzchak with his "hands" by covering them with lamb-skin. This trick was the only way that Yaakov could direct the blessing from Esav's hands to Yaakov's, who would then channel the blessing of intellect - i.e. Torah study, in pursuit of Hashem.

Thus, when Yaakov successfully fooled Yitzchak into blessing him, Yitzchak then saw that the only way for the holiness to gain the upper hand was in the format of acting cunning and with trickery, this being the only way to release the holiness from impure, which is the sole intent of Esav and his worldly pleasures. Yitzchak then full-heartedly blessed Yaakov.

This is the meaning of the verse: "The voice is the voice of Yaakov, yet the hands are the hands of Esav": for Yaakov to successfully receive the blessing and bounty of the intellect in revealing Hashem's goodness into the world, he will have no other choice than to use the "hands of Esav" - i.e. use trickery to enter the realm of the exchange chambers and extract from therein any trace of holiness.



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  • bridal gown rental - 2300 USD
  • hair and makeup for wedding - 1000 USD
  • outstanding wedding hall and food expenses - 2150 USD
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And may you be blessed to rejoice in the 7 voices that will be sung with the coming of Mashiach.

Shabbat Shalom
Meir Elkabas
WhatsApp: 732-800-1863

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