Wednesday, March 4, 2020


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The Sages teach that Achashverosh donned the 8 vestments of the High Priest at the grand feast and orgy that he prepared, as a plot to trap the Jewish light, hope and existence into the impurity of the 70 nations, which culminates as immorality.

He knew that by getting the Jews to eat from the forbidden foods, especially non-kosher wine, he could eventually get the Jews to fall into immorality, which is what actually happened (the original intent of the Sages to forbid "Yeyn Nesekh" - wine touched by a gentile - was to prevent intermarriage which would possibly develop if Jews and gentiles were allowed to drink wine together).

Once he saw that he succeeded in getting the Jews to partake of his feast and orgy, he donned the 8 garments of the High Priest so as to channel the Divine light and splendor of Hashem's Kindness and benevolence (represented in the High-Priest and his vestments) into the realm of impurity - that of the 70 nations - so as to give them all the prominence and importance.

Coupled with this, Haman felt that this was the perfect time to destroy the Jews all-together Since now that they have fallen into the impurity of the 70 nations by partaking in Achashverosh's orgy, there was no longer a purpose for the Jews to stick out and represent the Holy Language - which symbolized their purity and holiness.


Being a time of great danger for the continuity of the entire existence of the Jewish Nation, Mordekhai saw and understood that if the Jews would resort to their inherited weapon of the Holy Language - i.e. the weapons of prayer, supplication beseeching and yearning to Hashem - they would be able to revert the decree totally.

Together with Esther he got the Jews to not despair and to use the dark situation to call out from the depths to Hashem.

He was able to understand and "see through" the test that this was the only way to get the Jews out of the impurity they had fallen into - by getting them to use their Holy Tongue.

He also understood that the Holy Tongue could made complete specifically through this test presented by Achashverosh and Haman - by finding the good hope found within the dark situation itself.


And since the miracle of Purim involved our being separated from the impurity of the 70 nations and our returning to the Holy Land after "70" years of exile, the Sages instituted the mitzvah of drinking specifically wine on Purim. Wine - Yayin in Hebrew - is numerically 70. WE PARTAKE OF WINE OF 70 IN ORDER TO BRING OUT AND RELEASE ANY INFLUENCE OF THE 70 NATIONS FROM WITHIN US.

(for more on these concepts please listen to: LIKUTEY MOHARAN LESSON 19 and to: The High-Priest's Vestsments and Achashverosh's Plan)


May we truly merit this Purim to experience such a salvation and redemption, so that we finally see the rebuilding of the Temple and the restoration of the High Priest and his 8 garments, Amen.

For more on Breslov Therapy:



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Purim is already next week, and part of the mitzvah of this holy day is MATANOT LA'EVYONIM - gift to the needy, To perform this mitzvah with truly needy and worthy families residing in Jerusalem, please submit your gift through this Paypal link: MATANOT LA'EVYONIM IN JERUSALEM
PLEASE NOTE: IN ORDER FOR THE GIFTS TO ARRIVE BEFORE PURIM - NEXT TUESDAY, MARCH 10TH, THEY MUST BE SENT BY TONIGHT - WEDNESDAY NIGHT, MARCH 4TH. Thank you, be well and may the light and joy of Purim, Mordekhai and Esther shine upon you and your loved ones on this special day. Sincerely Meir Elkabas

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